Lillehammer. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk kart 1817 II - M 1:50 000 (med fargetrykt kart)
The superficial deposits occurring within the map-sheet are described and classified according to their genesis. Short accounts are also given on sand and gravel resources and groundwater resources. Ablation till and sandy basal till are the dominant deposits. The till cover is mostly continous and thick. The biggest glaciofluvial and fluvial deposits are situated at the mouths of the main valleys. There are also concentrations of these sorted, sandy and gravelly deposits along the main meltwater drainage routes at Hunder in Gudbrandsdalen, and south of Sjusjøen. A fine-grained bluish grey basal till, named the Jørstad till, dominates at 2 m and more below surface througout the area, but mainly in the valleys. The ice flow direction during the initial part of the last glaciation followed the main valleys.
Subsequently the ice movements were directed to the SE. In the next phase the
ice movement were to the SSE-S and locally to the SSW. During the course of
deglaciation the ice movements gradually turned towards lake Mjøsa both
from the west and from the north. The last local ice movements followed the
main valleys. There are indications of a water level at about 180 m a.s.l.
near Lillehammer and at Vingrom 6 km south of Lillehammer. The water level
in lake Mjøsa at Lillehammer sank below 130 m a.s.l. prior to 8.200 years B.P.
Subsequently the ice movements were directed to the SE. In the next phase the
ice movement were to the SSE-S and locally to the SSW. During the course of
deglaciation the ice movements gradually turned towards lake Mjøsa both
from the west and from the north. The last local ice movements followed the
main valleys. There are indications of a water level at about 180 m a.s.l.
near Lillehammer and at Vingrom 6 km south of Lillehammer. The water level
in lake Mjøsa at Lillehammer sank below 130 m a.s.l. prior to 8.200 years B.P.
Olsen, Lars