Integrated coastal zone planning and management (ICZPM) requires adequate knowledge on the marine coastal systems. In this pilot project, the use of detailed seabed information (depths, sediment and bottom types, seabed structures and processes) translated to thematic maps as a tool for ICZPM has beeb tested and evaluated.
Based on data collected in an earlier project (HASUT) and from local sources, ten thematic maps were made:
1 - Depth; 2 - Slope; 3 - Seafloor sediments and natural habitats; 4 - Strength of bottom currents interpreted from bottom morphology and sediment types; 5 - Accumulation basins and areas with risk of oxygen deficiency; 6 - Anchoring conditions - interpreted from bottom type and depth; 7 - Seafloor sediments and biological diversity; 8 - Fish habitats and spawning areas; 9 - Fishing activity and aquaculture sites; 10 - Fosnes Municipality area plan - sea.
A first version of the maps were presented to a wide range of end-users at a dedicated workshop, and used in a test phase by a local community (Fosnes). The workshop presentation was done using Internet-based GIS tools, allowing users to test functionality and evaluate content. For the testing in the Fosnes community, cusomized GIS files which could be incorporated into their own systems were provided. Based on feedback from the end users, the maps were improved and finalized, and made publicly on a dedicated section of the marine knowledge and information system This system integrates written documentation , illustrations and map services from a wide range of sources, focusing at end user needs.
Recommandations from the pilot study particularly addresses the need of detailed seabed information, the need for translating specialist information to thematic maps useful for end users using suitable tools, and the need for increased communication and experience between ICZPM stakeholders and scientists.
Andresen, Kari H. Bachke
Longva, Oddvar
Lepland, Aave
Thorsnes, Terje