Kartblandnr. og -navn (M.1:50 000) forts.: 2335 I-IV, 2435 I-IV, 2436 III-IV, 2536 IV. The Varanger Peninsula is underlain by weakly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of Late Precambrian to Early Cambrian age. The rocks occur in two regions: the allochthonous Barents Sea Region (BSR) (northeastern half of the peninsula) and the autochthonous Tanagjorden-Varangerfjorden Region (TVR) (southwestern part of th peninsula), juxtaposed along a complex NW-SE-trending fault zone, the Trollfjorden - Komagelva Fault Zone (TKFZ). The sedimentary sequences of the two regions have accumulated under different conditions of desposition in separate sedimentary basins. In the TVR, the presence of tillites testifies to two separate periods of Late Precambrian glaciation. Rocks of the BSR were brought to their present position by dextral strike-slip movement along the TKFZ. The sedimentary sequences in the two regions have been affected to a variable extent by the main Caledonian deformation, and they are dissected by dolerite dykes representing at least two periods of magmatism. Differences in the grade of metamorphism in the BSR and the TVR suggest that the rocks of the Barents Sea Region were affected by a deeper sedimentary and tectonic burial prior to their juxtaposition with rocks of the TVR. Descriptions and interpretations of the sedimentary sequences of both ........