Directory Contains Magnetic, Radiometric and EM data from the Evenes area, Troms and Norland county. NGU Report 2013.046 describes acquisition, quality, processing and presentation of the data. Magnetic data are presented as: Total magnetic field (Evenes_MAG_Tot) Magnetic Vertical Gradient (Evenes_MAG_VG) Magnetic Tilt Derivative (Evenes_MAG_TD) Geosoft XYZ-file with magnetic anomaly, IGRF value, instrument height and altitude above sea level. Radiometric data are presented as: Radiometric Ternary Map (Evenes_RAD_Ternary) Radiometric Total Count (Evenes_RAD_TC) Potassium ground concentration in % (Evenes_RAD_Potassium) Uranium ground concentaration in ppm (Evenes_RAD_Uranium) Thorium ground concentration in ppm (Evenes_RAD_Thorium) Geosoft XYZ-file of sensor height, Unanium, Thorium and potassium ground concentrations and total counts. ElectroMagnetic data are presented as Calculated Apparent Resistivity from half space model, In phase and Quadrature Components: 880 Hz Coplanar Quadrature component (Evenes_EM_Profile880Q) 980 Hz Coaxial Quadrature component (Evenes_EM_Profile980Q) 6600 Hz Coplanar Resistivity (Evenes_EM_Res6600) 7001 Hz Coaxial Resistivity (Evenes_EM_Res7000) 34000 Hz Coplanar Resistivity (Evenes_EM_Res34000) Gesoft XYZ-file with In phase and quadrature readings and aparent resistivity for three frequencies (34000, 7000 and 6600 Hz). Resistivity for 880 and 980 Hz is not calculated and 880 In phase is not presented due to low signal to noise ratio. For more information, contact: