Work at NGU

All vacancies at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) are advertised on this page. Find out more about what NGU can offer you as an employee.

Various career opportunites

Naturally, we have many geologists among our employees at NGU. But in order to keep the machinery running, to develop and professionalize our organization, and to offer geological maps and digital data, a wide range of professions are required within our value chain.

Common for all our employees is high competence. Regardless of profession, a job at NGU gives you the opportunity to work with services that society needs. We offer a good salary and a predictable state pension.


Get notified about new job openings

If you want to work with us but don't find a position relevant to you right now, we recommend that you register your CV in NGU's job application portal Webcruiter.

When registering, you can choose automatic email notification. You will then be notified when we advertise new positions that match your criteria. We do not recommend open applications.