Minerals and Metals

Kart som viser aktive prosjekter av mineraler og metaller i Norge.

The map shows where in Norway active mining of either metals or industrial minerals is taking place. The map also shows the location of some of the most important projects being developed with a view to possible future production. Illustration by Mads Rasmussen, NGU.

Meeting the demands of an expanding global population requires a diverse range of metals and minerals to advance and manufacture new technology and sustainable energy production. Norway offers abundant mineral and metal resources, positioning itself as a prominent European producer in this domain.

The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) maps mineral resources to ensure future natural resource development to meet societal demands. This development will be founded on good environmental and resource management practices. Currently, NGU prioritizes the mapping of critical and strategic minerals and metals.

Trekanter i rød, blå og grønn farge viser i mineralkartet til NGU.

How do we identify minerals?

The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) identifies minerals in rocks using advanced instruments and in the laboratory, but also in the field by examining appearance, hardness, weight, cleavage, streak, luster, cleavage, and crystal structure.
