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GREENPEG Project Closure Conference

Illustrative photo for GREENPEG

The EU project GREENPEG summarizes the results from the interdisciplinary collaboration with a closing conference in Trondheim and an excursion to the historic mining town of Røros.

The European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources also hosts its general assembly on this occasion.

Meet project colleagues and participate in discussions about the future direction of European mineral cooperation.

Invitations will be sent to ETP SMR members.

Aim and objectives

  • Dissemination of the GREENPEG outcomes and results (Technology innovations and Toolset)
  • Convey common messages to the EU Commission in relation to the CRMA and latest policy developments
  • Excellent opportunity for networking and enhance the visibility of both GREENPEG partners and ETP SMR members
  • Farewell of the GREENPEG project and exploration of future opportunities.

Over the last four years, thirteen 13 European partners from industry, academia and surveys have carried out the GREENPEG project funded by the EU HORIZON 2020 program. The project has resulted in cutting edge technological innovations and toolsets for the exploration of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) in Europe and worldwide in order to widen the resource base and to initiate new mining by efficient exploration measures.

The GREENPEG Closure Conference 3-5 September 2024 in Trondheim, Norway, will celebrate and share the project outcomes with the exploration and mining industry and surveys, academia and relevant government institutions. The event is accompanied by the General Assembly of the European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) and aims to set GREENPEG and other exploration and mining activities “Made in Europe” in the context of the European Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA).

The Nordic countries, as potential raw material suppliers to Europe, and with great ambitious new developments, will play a crucial role for the success of the CRMA. During the past two decades, the EU has invested heavily into critical raw materials research and innovation, such as GREENPEG paving the way for more commercial opportunities to make Europe more resilient and raising self-supply. We invite you to share your activities, opinions and visions on the exploration of CRM and valorisation of the European mineral wealth with important European stakeholders.

Tuesday, 3rd of September: GREENPEG Project Closure Conference supported by European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR).

08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:15

Welcome and opening

Welcome by the host NGU (director May Britt Myhr) and greeting from the Minister of Trade and Industry. Followed by a very short introduction into the GREENPEG project from the Coordinator GREENPEG Project (Axel Müller, UIO).

Moderation session 1 | Carla Pueyo Lloret, UIO

09:15 - 10:45

Session 1 | GREENPEG, the first innovative toolset for exploration of critical raw material in Europe

  • Setting the frame: The Norwegian critical raw material potential in the light of national strategies and international partnerships (Henrik Schiellerup, NGU)
  • Introduction to the GREENPEG exploration toolset (Axel Müller, University of Oslo)
  • Toolset results I: Remote sensing exploration (Ana Teodoro, University of Porto)
  • Toolset results II: Airborne geophysics (Klaus Brauch and Claudia Pohl, Terratec Gophysical Services)
  • Toolset results III: Ground geophysics (Marco Brönner, Geogios Tassis and Claudia Haase, NGU)
  • Toolset results IV: Ground geochemistry (Julian Menuge, University College Dublin)
  • Toolset results V: Life-Cycle Assessment of the main toolset approaches (Frances Wall and Kate Smith, university of Exeter)
  • Connecting to the experts of tomorrow – GREENPEG and Young Careers: Rare-metal pegmatites of the Alto Ligonha District Mozambique, Violeta Bunzula, Freiberg.

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break

Moderation Session 2 | Axel Müller, UIO

11:15 - 12:45

Session 2 | Norway - a reliable contributor for the European Union´s critical raw material Sourcing

  • Insight into the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Position Paper on the 10th European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Massimo Busuoli, NTNU Brussels office Director)
  • High purity quartz and extended European value chains in a strategic minerals sector (Trond Brenden-Veisal, The Quartz Group)
  • Rare earth elements exploration and mining (Eirik Bache Stokmo, Rare Earth Norway)
  • Brines versus hard rock lithium – how will markets develop? (Karen Wagner Weise, Equinor)
  • Europe can try harder: The opening of the Engebøfjellet rutile mine (Ivar Fossum, Nordic Mining)
  • Exploration potential and ESG in the Nordic countries (Mathias Forss, GeoPool)

12:45 - 13:45

Lunch break – NGU Canteen

Moderation Session 3 and 4: Wolfgang Reimer, GKZ

13:45 - 14:30

Session 3 | EU Strategic Partnerships in the raw materials sector and the Nordic countries

  • Sweden’s contribution to the sustainable raw materials supply and partnerships (Kaj Lax, geologist at SGU)
  • Finland’s contribution to the sustainable raw materials supply and partnerships (Kaija Juha, Senior Specialist/Project Manager, GTK)
  • Denmark’s contribution to the sustainable raw materials supply and partnerships (Mikael Pedersen, GEUS)

14:30 - 15:00

Session 4 | EU policy making towards research and innovation in the raw materials ecosystems

  • A new R&D-Strategy for land-based minerals in Norway – (Øystein Asphjell, NFR, Norwegian Research Council)
  • The new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European Technology Platform of Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) - (Katarina Nilsson, President ETP SMR, Director Research, SVEMIN)

15:00 - 15:45

Coffee break

Moderation session 5 | Wolfgang Reimer, GKZ and Axel Müller, UIO

15:45 - 17:00

Session 5 | Speed dating with the GREENPEG Experts Network

(Business to Business, Business to Academia, and Business to National Survey Organisations)

  • Presentation of the GREENPEG Experts’ Network, Concept and Services (Ben Williamson, University of Exeter)
  • Panel discussion about Business to Business, Business to Universities, and Business to Geological Surveys (Panel composed by Alexandre Lima, Marco Brönner, Klaus Brauch, Julian Menuge)

17:00 - 17:15

Conference Closing remarks by Axel Müller, UIO

Evening dinner (self-cost) at Frati


Conference day on September 3rd will be held at NGU's premises at Leiv Eirikssons vei 39, Trondheim. See map.

Free parking is available at NGU.

Bus connections

Bus nmbr. 13 | 2 | 20 - more detailed information on

Wednesday, 4th of September: GREENPEG-organised excursion to the UNESCOs World Heritage Røros mining town

Full day excursion visiting Olav’s Cu mine, Røros and the mining museum. Morning departure by bus (NGU-organised) from Trondheim and return in the afternoon/evening.

333 years of quarrying at Rørosvidda created wealth for the owners and the state, a livelihood for the workers and a world cultural monument for posterity. Join us on an excursion to historic Røros and the rich mineral resources that can be found there to this day.

More information about transport and program to come. Read more about historic Røros.

Evening: Departure of those leaving or self-paid dinner organised by ETP-SMR for those staying (GREENPEG partners are also invited)

Thursday, 5th of September: ETP SMR Conference.

ETP SMR General Assembly part 1: Conference (morning session) – open to GREENPEG conference participants; ETP SMR General Assembly part 2: Internal affairs (ETP SMR members only).

Both parts hosted by NTNU at the hotel Scandic Nidelven, Havnegate 1-3, 7010 Trondheim


Scandic Nidelven | Havnegata 1 - 3 | See map.

This event has concluded

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