Following is a record of publications prepared on the basis of Kola Project results, listed with the most recent contributions first. Survey reports can be ordered by contacting the appropriate project partner (CKE, GTK or NGU). For additional information regarding other publications, please contact KolaWebMaster.
Reimann,C., Matschullat, J., Birke, M. and Salminen, R., 2010. Antimony in the environment – lessons from geochemical mapping. Applied Geochemistry, 25: 175-198.
Filzmoser, P., Hron, K. and Reimann, C., 2010. The bivariate statistical analysis of environmental (compositional) data. Science of the Total Environment, 409: 4230-4238.
Filzmoser, P. Hron, K. and Reimann, C., 2009. Principal component analysis for compositional data with outliers. Environmetrics, 19: 1-11.
Boyd, R., Barnes, S.-J., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Melezhik, V., Reimann, C, and Zientek, M. 2009. Emissions from the copper-nickel industry on the Kola Peninsula and at Noril'sk, Russia. Atmospheric Environment, 43: 1474-1480.
Reimann,C., Matschullat, J., Birke, M. and Salminen, R., 2009. Arsenic distribution in the environment: the effects of scale. Applied Geochemistry, 24:1147-1167.
Filzmoser, P. Hron, K. and Reimann, C., 2009. Univariate statistical analysis of environmental (compositional) data – Problems and Possibilities. Science of the Total Environment, 407: 6100-6108.
Filzmoser, P. Hron, K., Reimann, C., and Garrett R.G., 2009. Robust factor analysis for compositional data. Computers and Geosciences, 35: 1854-1861.
Templ. M., Filzmoser, P. and Reimann, C., 2008. Cluster analysis applied to regional geochemical data: problems and possibilities. Applied Geochemistry, 23: 2198-2213.
Reimann, C., Filzmoser, P., Garrett, R.G. and Dutter, R., 2008. Statistical Data Analysis Explained. Applied Environmental Statistics with R. Wiley, Chichester, 343 pp.
Reimann, C., Melezhik, V. and Niskavaara, H., 2007. Low-density regional geochemical mapping of gold and palladium highlighting the exploration potential of northernmost Europe. Economic Geology, 102: 327-334.
Reimann, C. and Niskavaara, H., 2006. Regional distribution of Pd, Pt and Au emissions from the nickel industry on the Kola Peninsula, NW-Russia, as seen in moss and humus samples. In: Zereini, F. and Alt, F. (eds) Palladium Emissions in the Environment - Analytical Methods, Environmental Assessment and Health Effects. Springer, Heidelberg: 53-70.
Filzmoser, P., Garrett, R.G. and Reimann, C., 2005. Multivariate outlier detection in exploration geochemistry. Computers & Geosciences, 31: 579-587.
Reimann, C., 2005. Geochemical mapping – technique or art? Geochemistry, Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 5: 359-370.
Reimann, C. and Caritat, P. de, 2005. Distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic sources for elements in the environment: regional geochemical surveys versus enrichment factors. The Science of the Total Environment, 337: 91-107.
Reimann, C., Garrett, R.G. and Filzmoser, P., 2005. Background and threshold – critical comparison of methods of determination. The Science of the Total Environment, 346: 1-16.
Reimann, C. and Garrett, R.G., 2005. Geochemical background - concept and reality. The Science of the Total Environment, 350: 12-27.
Niskavaara, H., Kontas, E. and Reimann, C., 2004. Regional distribution and sources of Au, Pd and Pt in moss and O-,B- and C-horizon podzol samples in the European Arctic. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 4: 143-159.
Haack, U., Kienholz, B., Reimann, C., Schneider, J. & Stumpfl, .E.F., 2004. Isotopic composition of lead in moss and soil of the European Arctic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68: 2613-2622.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C. and Banks, D., 2003. Sulphur in the arctic environment (3): environmental impact. Environmental Pollution, 124: 151 – 171.
Kashulina, G. and Reimann, C., 2002. Sulphur in the arctic environment (2): results of multi-medium regional mapping. Environmental Pollution, 116: 337-350.
Reimann, C., Filzmoser, P. and Garrett, R.G., 2002. Factor analysis applied to regional geochemical data: problems and possibilities. Applied Geochemistry, 17: 185-206.
Kashulina, G. and Reimann, C., 2001. Sulphur in the arctic environment (1): results of a catchment-based multi-medium study. Environmental Pollution, 114: 3-19.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Bogatyrev, I., Chekushin, V., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V. and Äyräs, M., 2001. Regional distribution of Al, B, Ba, Ca, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Rb, Si, Sr, Th, U and Y in terrestrial moss within a 188,000 km2 area of the central Barents region: influence of geology, seaspray and human activity. Applied Geochemistry,16: 137-159.
Reimann, C. and Melezhik, V., 2001. Metallogenic provinces, geochemical provinces and regional geology - what causes large-scale patterns in low density geochemical maps of the C-horizon of podzols in Arctic Europe? Applied Geochemistry,16: 963-984.
Reimann, C., Kashulina, G., Caritat, P. de and Niskavaara, H. 2001. Multi-element, multi-medium regional geochemistry in the European arctic: element concentration, variation and correlation. Applied Geochemistry,16: 759-780.
Äyräs, M. and Kashulina, G., 2000. Regional patterns of element contents in the organic horizon of podzols in the central part of the Barents region (Finland, Norway, and Russia) with special reference to heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) and sulphur as indicators of airborne pollution. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 68: 127-144.
Reimann, C. and Caritat, P. de, 2000. Intrinsic flaws of element enrichment factors (EFs) in environmental geochemistry. Environmental Science & Technology, 34: 5084-5091.
Reimann, C. and Filzmoser, P., 2000. Normal and lognormal data distribution in geochemistry: death of a myth. Consequences for the statistical treatment of geochemical and environmental data. Environmental Geology, 39/9: 1001-1014.
Reimann, C., Banks, D. and Caritat, P. de, 2000. Impacts of airborne contamination on regional soil and water quality: the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Environmental Science & Technology, 34: 2727-2732.
Reimann, C., Banks, D. and Kashulina, G., 2000. Processes influencing the chemical composition of the O-horizon of podzols along a 500 km north-south profile from the coast of the Barents Sea to the Arctic Circle. Geoderma, 95: 113-139.
Matschullat, J., Ottenstein, R. and Reimann, C., 2000. Geochemical background - can we calculate it? Environmental Geology, 39/9: 990-1000.
Reimann, C., Halleraker, J.H., Kashulina, G. and Bogatyrev, I., 1999. Comparison of plant and precipitation chemistry in catchments with different levels of pollution on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. The Science of the Total Environment, 243/244: 169-191.
Filzmoser, P., 1999. Robust principal component and factor analysis in the geostatistical treatment of environmental data. Environmetrics, 10: 363-375.
Gregurek, D., Melcher, F., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V.A., Reimann, C. and Stumpfl, E.F., 1999. Platinum-Group Elements (Rh, Pd, Pt) and Au distribution in snow samples from the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Atmospheric Environment, 33: 3291-3299.
Gregurek, D., Melcher, F., Pavlov, V., Reimann, C. and Stumpfl, E.F., 1999. Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of snow filter residues in the vicinity of the nickel-copper processing industry, Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Mineralogy and Petrology, 65: 87-111.
Gregurek, D., Reimann, C. and Stumpfl, E.F., 1999. Mineralogie, Umwelt und Nickel-Industrie: Das Internationale Kola-Projekt. Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 144 (4/99): 146-151. (in German with English summary)
Reimann, C., Banks, D. Bogatyrev, I. Caritat, P. de, Kashulina, G. and Niskavaara, H., 1999. Lake water geochemistry on the western Kola peninsula, north-west Russia. Applied Geochemistry, 14: 787-805.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Caritat, P. de and Niskavaara, H., 1998. Factors influencing NO3 concentrations in rain, stream water, ground water and podzol profiles of eight small catchments in the European Arctic. Environmental Pollution 102(S1): 559-568.
Gregurek, D., Reimann, C. and Stumpfl, E.F., 1998. Trace elements and precious metals in snow samples from the immediate vicinity of nickel processing plants, Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia. Environmental Pollution, 102: 221-232.
Gregurek, D., Reimann, C. and Stumpfl, E.F., 1998. Mineralogical fingerprints of industrial emissions - an example from Ni mining and smelting on the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. The Science of the Total Environment, 221: 189-200.
Chekushin, V.A., Bogatyrev, I.V., Caritat, P. de, Niskavaara, H. and Reimann, C., 1998. Annual atmospheric deposition of 16 elements in eight catchments of the central Barents region. The Science of the Total Environment, 220: 95-114.
Halleraker, J.H., Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. and Bogatyrev, I., 1998. Reliability of moss (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) as bioindicator of atmospheric chemistry in the Barents region: interspecies and field duplicate variability. The Science of the Total Environment, 218: 123-139.
Caritat, P. de, Danilova, S., Jæger, Ø., Reimann, C. and Storrø, G., 1998. Groundwater composition near the nickel-copper smelting industry on the Kola Peninsula, central Barents Region (NW Russia and NE Norway). Journal of Hydrology, 208: 92-107.
Caritat, P. de, Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I. and Reimann, C., 1998. Snow composition in eight catchments in the central Barents Euro-Arctic Region. Atmospheric Environment, 32: 2609-2626.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Niskavaara, H., Finne, T.E., Kashulina, G. and Pavlov, V.A., 1998. Comparison of elemental contents in O- and C-horizon soils from the surroundings of Nikel, Kola Peninsula, using different grain size fractions and extractions. Geoderma, 84: 65-87.
Kashulina, G., Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Raisanen, M.-L., Chekushin, V. and Bogatyrev, I.V., 1998. Acidity status and mobility of Al in podzols near SO2 emission sources on the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. Applied Geochemistry, 13: 391-402.
Reimann, C. and Caritat, P. de, 1998. Chemical Elements in the Environment - Factsheets for the Geochemist and Environmental Scientist. ISBN 3-540-63670-6. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 398 pp.
Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Dutter, R., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Jæger, Ø., Kashulina, G., Lehto, O., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V., Räisänen, M.L., Strand, T. and Volden, T., 1998. Environmental Geochemical Atlas of the Central Barents Region. ISBN 82-7385-176-1. NGU-GTK-CKE Special Publication, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway, 745 pp. Available at:
Väisänen, U., Misund, A. and Chekushin, V., 1998. Ecogeochemical investigation: stream water quality as an indicator of pollution in the border areas of Finland, Norway and Russia. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 104: 205-219.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1997. The state of the ecosystems in the central Barents Region: scale, factors and mechanism of disturbance. The Science of the Total Environment, 206: 203-225.
Niskavaara, H., Reimann, C., Chekushin, V. and Kashulina, G., 1997. Seasonal variability of total and easily leachable element contents in topsoils (0-5 cm) from eight catchments in the European Arctic (Finland, Norway and Russia). Environmental Pollution, 96: 261-274.
Räisänen, M.L., Kashulina, G. and Bogatyrev, I., 1997. Mobility and retention of heavy metals, arsenic and sulphur in podzols at eight locations in northern Finland and Norway and the western half of the Russian Kola Peninsula. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 59: 175-195.
Volden, T., Reimann, C., Pavlov, V.A., Caritat, P. de and Äyräs, M., 1997. Overbank sediments from the surroundings of the Russian nickel mining and smelting industry on the Kola Peninsula. Environmental Geology, 32: 175-185.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I., Niskavaara, H. and Braun, J., 1997. Mass balance between emission and deposition of airborne contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology, 31: 2966-2972.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de., Halleraker, J.H., Finne, T.E., Boyd, R., Jæger, Ø., Volden, T., Kashulina, G., Bogatyrev, I., Chekushin, V., Pavlov, V., Äyräs, M., Räisänen, M.L. and Niskavaara, H., 1997. Regional atmospheric deposition patterns of Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Hg, Mo, Sb and Tl in a 188,000 km2 area in the European Arctic as displayed by terrestrial moss samples - Long-range atmospheric transport vs local impact. Atmospheric Environment, 31: 3887-3901.
Äyräs, M., Pavlov, V. and Reimann C., 1997. Comparison of sulphur and heavy metal contents and their regional distribution in humus and moss samples from the vicinity of Nikel and Zapoljarnij, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 98: 361-380.
Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Reimann, C. and Pavlov, V.A., 1997. Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of tree-ring profiles of pine and birch from N Norway and NW Russia - a reliable record of the pollution history of the area? Environmental Geology, 32: 9-16.
Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Bogatyrev, I., Chekushin, V., Pavlov, V., Caritat, P. de, Halleraker, J.H., Finne, T.E., Kashulina, G. and Reimann, C., 1997. Regional patterns of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) and sulphur in terrestrial moss samples as indication of airborne pollution in a 188,000 km2 area in northern Finland, Norway and Russia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 58: 269-281.
Boyd, R., Niskavaara, H., Chekushin, V., Pavlov, V., Often, M. and Reimann, C., 1997. Anthropogenic noble-metal enrichment of topsoil in the Monchegorsk area, Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 58: 283-289.
Reimann, C., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Halleraker, J.H., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. and Bogatyrev, I., 1997. Topsoil (0-5 cm) composition in eight arctic catchments in northern Europe (Finland, Norway and Russia). Environmental Pollution, 95: 45-56.
Caritat, P. de, Krouse, H.R. and Hutcheon, I., 1997. Sulphur isotope composition of stream water, moss and humus from eight Arctic catchments in the Kola Peninsula region (NW Russia, N Finland, NE Norway). Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 94: 191-208.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Halleraker, J.H., Volden, T., Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Chekushin, V.A. and Pavlov, V.A., 1997. Rainwater composition in eight arctic catchments of northern Europe (Finland, Norway and Russia). Atmospheric Environment, 31: 159-170.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Chekushin, V.A. and Pavlov, V., 1996. Stream water geochemistry from selected catchments on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and in neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: 1. Element levels and sources. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2: 149-168.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Chekushin, V.A. and Pavlov, V., 1996. Stream water geochemistry from selected catchments on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and in neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: 2. Time-series. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2: 169-184.
Caritat, P. de, 1996. The Kola Ecogeochemistry World Wide Web site. In: Butler, J.C., Another Node on the Internet. Computers & Geosciences, 22: 1191-1192.
Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V., 1996. Regional variation of snowpack chemistry in the vicinity of Nikel and Zapoljarnij, Russia, northern Finland and Norway. The Science of the Total Environment, 182: 147-158.
Niskavaara, H., Reimann, C. and Chekushin, V., 1996. Distribution and pathways of heavy metals and sulphur in the vicinity of the copper-nickel smelters in Nikel and Zapoljarnij, Kola Peninsula, Russia, as revealed by different sample media. Applied Geochemistry, 11:25-34.
Äyräs, M., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Niskavaara, H. and Reimann, C., 1995. Ecogeochemical investigation, Kola Peninsula: sulphur and trace element content in snow. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 85: 749-754.
Äyräs M., 1993. Ympäristötutkimuksista geologian tutkimuskeskuksessa (Environmental studies at GTK). Lapin tutkimusseura ry (Journal of the Research Society of Lapland), vuosikirja XXXIV: 16-25. (In Finnish.)
Reimann, C., 2003. Multi-medium, multi-element regional geochemical mapping in the European Arctic: The Kola Ecogeochemistry Project. 21st International Geochemical Exploration Symposium (IGES) (Dublin, Ireland, 29 August–3 September 2003), Abstract Volume: 59-60.
Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H. and Chekushin, V., 2003. The Kola Ecogeochemistry Project: regional multi-element, multi-medium geochemical mapping in the European Arctic. Geoanalysis 2003 (Rovaniemi, Finland, 9–11 June 2003), Abstract Volume: 150.
Reimann, C., 2002. The Kola Ecogeochemistry Project: Element Levels in the European Arctic. Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada joint annual meeting (GAC-MAC) (Saskatoon, Canada, 27-29 May 2002), Abtracts Volume 27: 98.
Boyd, R., Barnes, S.-J., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Melezhick, V.A., Reimann, C. and Zientek, M.A., 2000. Use of geological and ecogeochemical data in assessing metal emissions from the Cu-Ni industry in Russia. 31st International Geological Congress (IGC) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-17 August 2000), Proceedings, CD-ROM.
Boyd, R., Barnes, S.-J., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V., Melezhik, V.A., Reimann, C. and Zientek, M.A., 2000. Use of geological and ecogeochemical data in assessing metal emissions from the Cu-Ni industry in Russia. The 24th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Trondheim, Norway, 6-9 January 2000), Geonytt, 1/2000: 44.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Jæger, Ø. and Volden, T., 2000. Anthropogenic sulphur in the European Arctic environment: multimedia catchment based and large-scale regional studies. The 9th Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Chemistry (Det 9.seminar om hydrogeologi og miljøkjemi) (Trondheim, Norway, 9-10 February 2000), Abstract Volume, Geological Survey of Norway NGU Rapport, 2000.022: 18-19.
Boyd, R., Barnes, S.-J., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Melezhik, V.A., Reimann, C. and Zientek, M.A., 1998. Assessment of heavy metal emissions from the nickel-copper industry on the Kola Peninsula and in other parts of Russia. First International Symposium on Issues in Environmental Pollution (IEP ’98) (Denver, USA, 23-26 August 1998), Proceedings Volume. Elsevier, UK. Abstract 4.22, unpaginated volume.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E. and Niskavaara, H., 1998. Behaviour of nitrate in 8 catchments in the Arctic. The Nitrogen Confere-N-s (Noordvijkerhout, The Netherlands, 23-27 March 1998), Abstract Volume, 9.06: 48.
Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V., 1998. The Kola Project - Environmental geochemical mapping of the central Barents region. Geological Society of America 1998 Annual Meeting (GSA) (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 26-29 October 1998), Abstracts with Programs, A-57.
Gregurek, D., Reimann, C. and Stumpfl, E.F., 1998. Umweltmineralogie und Geochemie von Schneeproben in der Nähe der russischen Ni-, Cu-Industrie, Halbinsel Kola, NW-Russland. Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 98/3: V108-V109.
Boyd, R., Barnes, S.-J., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Melezhik, V.A., Reimann, C. and Zientek, M.A., 1998. Assessment of heavy metal emissions from the copper-nickel industry on the Kola Peninsula and in other parts of Russia. Geological Survey of Norway NGU Report, 98.138, 18 pp.
Reimann C., 1998. The "Kola Ecogeochemistry Project": some lessons for the mineral exploration and processing industry from environmental geochemical mapping of the central Barents Region. SGA News, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, May 1998, No. 5, p. 1, 7-12.
Strand, T., Reimann, C., Chekushin, V., Äyräs, M., Bogatyrev, I., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V., 1997. Surface activity of 137Cs in an area of 188,000 km2 of the Barents region. The Third International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity in the Arctic (Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997), Extended Abstract, 2: 231-232.
Halleraker, J.H., Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Bogatyrev, I., Boyd, R., Chekushin, V., Finne, T.E., Jæger, Ø., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V., Räisänen, M.L. and Volden, T., 1997. Terrestrial moss as bioindicator of atmospheric chemistry in the heart of the Barents region. The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic (Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997), Extended Abstract, 1: 147-150.
Kashulina, G.M., Reimann, C., Finne, T.-E., Halleraker, J.H., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V., 1997. State of ecosystems in the Central Barents Region: scale and factors of disturbance. The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic (Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997), Extended Abstract, 1: 199-200.
Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Dutter, R., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Jæger, Ø., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V., Räisänen, M.L., Strand, T. and Volden, T., 1997. Multielement, multimedia ecogeochemical mapping of the central Barents region. The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic (Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997), Extended Abstract, 1: 337-339.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I., Niskavaara, H. and Äyräs, M., 1997.
Snow chemistry from selected catchments in Arctic Europe (Norway, Finland and Russia).
The AMAP International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic
(Tromsø, Norway, 1-5 June 1997), Extended Abstract, 1: 340-342.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1997. Streamwater chemistry from eight catchments in arctic Europe. European Union of Geosciences EUG 9 (Strasbourg, France, 23-27 March 1997). Terra Nova, 9, Abstract Supplement, 1: 661.
Caritat, P. de, Danilova, S., Jæger, Ø., Reimann, C. and Storrø, G., 1997. Kola Ecogeochemistry: Groundwater investigations. Geological Survey of Norway NGU Report, 97.113, 39 pp.
Reimann, C., 1997. Kolaregionen - et økosystem i farezonen. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Årsrapport 1996 (in Norwegian). NGU, Trondheim: 14-16.
Reimann, C., 1997. Kola Ecogeochemistry - From pristine nature to technogenic desert. Geological Survey of Norway, Annual Report 1996 (in English). NGU, Trondheim: 12-14.
Halleraker, J.H., Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V., 1996. The impacts of mining and smelting in the centre of the Barents region. In: A. Myrvang and J. Vik (Eds), Fourth International Symposium on Mining in the Arctic (Svalbard, Norway, 27-30 July 1996), SINTEF Rock and Mineral Engineering, Trondheim, Proceedings Volume: 29-36.
Ayras, M., Raisanen, M.L., Reimann, C. and Bogatyrev, I., 1996. Impacts of heavy metal and sulphur deposition on forest soils in the arctic areas of Finland, Norway and the western half of the Russian Kola Peninsula. In: S.H. Bottrell (Ed.), Fourth International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's Surface (Leeds, UK, 22-28 July 1996), Proceedings Volume: 367-372.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V.A., 1996. Soil contamination by heavy metals from industrial emissions. First International Conference on Contaminants and the Soil Environment (Adelaide, Australia, 18-23 February 1996), Extended Abstracts: 23-24.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Caritat, P. de, Jæger, Ø., Volden, T., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1996. Pollution and state of the environment in the Central Barents region. Sixth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry 1996 (Trondheim, Norway, 11-12 November 1996), NGU Report, 96.128: 16.
Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Dutter, R., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Jæger, Ø., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V., Räisänen, M.L., Strand, T. and Volden, T., 1996. A geochemical atlas of the central parts of the Barents Region. Sixth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry 1996 (Trondheim, Norway, 11-12 November 1996), NGU Report, 96.128: 46.
Äyräs, M., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V., Reimann, C., Halleraker, J.H., Bogatyrev, I., Pavlov, V. and Niskavaara, H., 1996. Ecogeochemical studies, Kola Peninsula: Cu/Ni ratios as fingerprints in different media. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 16.
Äyräs, M., Bogatyrev, I., Halleraker, J.H. and Pavlov, V., 1996. Local versus regional variability of feather moss chemistry in pristine and technogenically contaminated areas of the Barents Region. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 17.
Bogatyrev, I.V., Chekushin, V.A., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H. & Äyräs, M., 1996. The collection of digital base maps for eco-geochemical mapping in the scale 1:1 mill. in the central part of the Barents Region. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 22.
Boyd, R., Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V. and Pavlov, V., 1996. Anthropogenic heavy- and noble-metal enrichment of topsoil in the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia and adjacent parts of Finland and Norway. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 25.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V.A., 1996. Stream water chemistry from the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and neighbouring areas of Finland and Norway: element levels, sources and time-dependent variations. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 28.
Chekushin, V.A., Bogatyrev, I.V., Pavlov, V.A., Äyräs, M., Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H. and Halleraker, J.H., 1996. Annual technogenic depositions during the last 4 years in the Barents Region, based on regional moss sampling 1995. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 29.
Halleraker, J.H., Kozlov, M.V., Reimann, C., Zvereva, E. and Berge, E., 1996. The state of ecosystems in the central Barents Region: a guide to the published data. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 44.
Jæger, Ø., Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Danilova, S., Pavlov, V. & Niskavaara, H., 1996. Composition of ground water from two arctic catchments (NW Russia and NE Norway) and comparison to stream water composition. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 51.
Kashulina, G., Räisänen, M.-L., Reimann, C. and Chekushin, V.A., 1996. Distribution of trace elements in podzols from northern Finland, Norway and the western half of the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 56.
Kashulina, G., Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Äyräs, M. & Chekushin, V., 1996. Qualitative estimates of the state of the ecosystems in the central Barents Region as recorded during an environmental geochemical mapping project. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 57.
Niskavaara, H., Backman, C., Pakarinen, A., Gustafsson, N. and Reimann, C., 1996. Analytical quality control for the Kola Ecogeochemistry Project. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 82.
Reimann, C., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Kashulina, G., Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Räisänen, M.L., Bogatyrev, I., Chekushin, V. and Pavlov, V., 1996. The "Kola Ecogeochemistry" project. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 93.
Reimann, C., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Halleraker, J.H., Kashulina, G., Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Räisänen, M.L., Bogatyrev, I., Chekushin, V. and Pavlov, V., 1996. A geochemical atlas of the central parts of the Barents Region. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 94.
Storrø, G., Jæger, Ø. and Danilova, S., 1996. Major and trace element chemistry in groundwater from the Skjellbekken catchment, northeast Norway. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 108.
Strand, T., Halleraker, J.H., Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Pavlov, V., 1996. A survey of radioactivity in topsoil from 188,000 km2 of the Barents Region. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 109.
Volden , T., Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V., 1996. Effects of pollution as seen in an overbank sediment profile from Monchegorsk, Russia. Third International Barents Symposium: "Environment in the Barents Region" (Kirkenes, Norway, 12-15 September 1996), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), Abstracts: 122.
Boyd, R., Niskavaara, H., Kontas, E., Chekushin, V., Pavlov, V., Often, M. and Reimann, C., 1996. Anthropogenic noble-metal enrichment of topsoil in the Monchegorsk area, Kola Peninsula. Sixth V.M. Goldschmidt Conference (Heidelberg, Germany, 31 March-4 April 1996), Journal of Conference Abstracts, 1: 77.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Halleraker, J.H., Äyräs, M., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V. and Chekushin, V.A., 1996. Geochemical mapping of the environmental impact of Ni-smelting and mining in the arctic terrain of the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia). Sixth V.M. Goldschmidt Conference (Heidelberg, Germany, 31 March-4 April 1996), Journal of Conference Abstracts, 1: 504.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V.A. and Halleraker, J.H., 1996. Monitoring stream water chemistry on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and adjacent areas of Finland and Norway. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 27.
Jæger, Ø., Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Danilova, S., Pavlov, V. and Niskavaara, H., 1996. Composition of ground water from two arctic catchments (NW Russia and NE Norway) and comparison to stream water composition. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 82.
Kashulina, G., Räisänen, M.-L., Reimann, C. and Chekushin, V.A., 1996. Distribution of trace elements in podzols from northern Finland, Norway and the western half of the Kola Peninsula, Russia. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 87.
Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V.A., 1996. Comparison of heavy metal contents in A0- and C-horizon soils from the surroundings of Nikel, Kola Peninsula, using different grain size fractions and leaches. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 163.
Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V.A., Halleraker, J.H. and Pavlov, V.A., 1996. Heavy metals and sulphur contents in snowpack and precipitation samples from 8 catchments north of the Arctic Circle in Finland, Norway and Russia. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 165.
Räisänen, M.-L., Kashulina, G. and Pavlov, V.A., 1996. Characterization of podzol weathering with the normative analysis - Cases from northern Norway and Finland and the Russian Kola Peninsula. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 180.
Solheim, I., Høgda, K.A., Tømmervik, H. and Finne, T.E., 1996. Vegetation degradation and erosion susceptibility around nickel smelters in Monchegorsk determined by use of multitemporal Landsat images and DEM. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 198.
Volden, T., Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V.A., 1996. Effects of pollution as seen in an overbank sediment profile from Monchegorsk, Russia. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 225.
Äyräs, M., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Niskavaara, H. and Reimann, C., 1996. Ecogeochemical investigation, Kola Peninsula: sulphur and heavy metal content in snow. The 22nd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (Turku/Åbo, Finland, 8-11 January 1996), Abstracts: 241.
Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V. (Eds.), 1996. Kola Project - International Report, Catchment Study 1994. Geological Survey of Norway NGU Report, 96.088, 432 pp.
Halleraker, J.H., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V., Reimann, C., Rissanen, K. and Strand, T., in prep. Mapping of radioactivity in topsoil (0-5 cm) and reindeer lichens in parts of the Barents Region. In: Strand, P. and Cooke, A. (Eds.) International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity in the Arctic, (Østerås (Oslo), Norway, 21-25 August 1995), Proceedings Volume: 261-265.
Reimann, C., Niskavaara, H., Caritat, P. de, Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V.A. and Finne, T.E., 1995. Snowpack sampling to fingerprint environmental contamination in the surroundings of the nickel smelter at Nikel, Kola Peninsula, Russia. In: Wilken, R.-D., Förstner, U. and Knöchel, A. (Eds.) Tenth International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (Hamburg, Germany, 18-22 September 1995), Proceedings Volume, 1: 84-87.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V.A., Halleraker, J.H., Jæger, Ø., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V. and Volden, T.. 1995. Heavy metal and sulphur content in snowpack and rainwater samples from eight catchments north of the Arctic Circle in Finland, Norway and Russia. In: Wilken, R.-D., Förstner, U. and Knöchel, A. (Eds.) Tenth International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (Hamburg, Germany, 18-22 September 1995), Proceedings Volume, 1: 160-163.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1995. Heavy metals content in stream water from eight catchments on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and in adjacent areas of Finland and Norway. In: Wilken, R.-D., Förstner, U. and Knöchel, A. (Eds.) Tenth International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, (Hamburg, Germany, 18-22 September 1995), Proceedings Volume, 1: 192-195.
Äyräs, M., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Niskavaara, H. and Reimann, C., 1995. Ecogeochemical investigation, Kola Peninsula: sulphur and trace element content in snow. The Fifth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, «B. Bølviken Seminar - 95» (Trondheim, Norway, 9-10 November 1995), NGU Report, 95.138: 7.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1995. Heavy metals content in stream water from eight catchments on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and in adjacent areas of Finland and Norway. The Fifth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, «B. Bølviken Seminar - 95» (Trondheim, Norway, 9-10 November 1995), NGU Report, 95.138: 13.
Halleraker, J.H., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Jæger, Ø., Reimann, C., Volden, T., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1995. Økogeokjemisk kartlegging og overvåking i Barents regionen (Ecogeochemical mapping and monitoring in the Barents region, in Norwegian). The Fifth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, «B. Bølviken Seminar - 95» (Trondheim, Norway, 9-10 November 1995), NGU Report, 95.138: 22.
Jæger, Ø., Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Danilova, S., Pavlov, V. and Niskavaara, H., 1995. Composition of ground water from two arctic catchments (NW Russia and NE Norway) and comparison to stream water composition. The Fifth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, «B. Bølviken Seminar - 95» (Trondheim, Norway, 9-10 November 1995), NGU Report, 95.138: 28.
Reimann, C., Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V., 1995. Ekogeochemistry Kola - Selected results. The Fifth Seminar on Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry, «B. Bølviken Seminar - 95» (Trondheim, Norway, 9-10 November 1995), NGU Report, 95.138: 48.
Halleraker, J.H., Äyräs, M., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A. and Reimann, C., 1995. Ecogeochemical mapping and monitoring in parts of the Barents region. NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Disturbance and Recovery of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, (Rovaniemi, Finland, 24-30 September 1995), Abstract Volume: 11.
Äyräs, M., Caritat, P. de, Chekushin, V.A., Niskavaara, H. and Reimann, C., 1995. Ecogeochemical investigation, Kola Peninsula: sulphur and heavy metal content in snow. Acid Reign '95? - Fifth International Conference on Acidic Deposition, (Gothenburg, Sweden, 26-30 June 1995), Abstract book, Kluwer Academic Publishers:, 365.
Caritat, P. de, Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V.A. and Halleraker, J.H. 1995. Monitoring streamwater chemistry on the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia) and adjacent areas of Finland and Norway. Miljøgeologisk konferanse i Norge (Environmental Geological Conference in Norway) (Bergen, Norway, 7-9 June 1995), Abstract Volume, unnumbered pages.
Halleraker, J.H., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Jæger, Ø., Reimann, C., Volden, T. Äyräs, M. and Chekushin, V.A., 1995. Økogeokjemisk kartlegging og overvåkning i Barents regionen (Ecogeochemical mapping and monitoring in the Barents Region). Miljøgeologisk konferanse i Norge (Environmental Geological Conference in Norway) (Bergen, Norway, 7-9 June 1995), Abstract Volume, unnumbered pages. (In Norwegian.)
Poulsen, T., Steinnes, E. and Reimann, C., 1995. Passive uptake of metals in two terrestrial mosses - Hylocomium splendens and Sphagnum fuscum - Implications for environmental studies and mineral deposit exploration. Miljøgeologisk konferanse i Norge (Environmental Geological Conference in Norway) (Bergen, Norway, 7-9 June 1995), Abstract Volume, unnumbered pages.
Reimann, C., Caritat, P. de, Finne, T.E., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. and Pavlov, V.A., 1995. Comparison of heavy metal contents in A0- and C-horizon soils from the surroundings of Nikel, Kola Peninsula, using different grain size fractions and leaches. Contaminated Soils - Third International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (Paris, France, 15-19 May 1995), Abstract Volume A, Biochemistry of Trace Elements, unnumbered pages.
Chekushin, V.A., Bogatyrev, I.V., Pavlov, V.A. and Danilova, S.I., 1995. Report on Joint Ecogeochemical Mapping and Monitoring in the Scale 1:1 Million in the West Murmansk Region and the Contiguous Areas of Finland and Norway (Catchment Study, 1994-95). Central Kola Expedition (CKE) and Kola Geological Information Laboratory Centre (KGILC) Report.
Äyräs, M., 1995. Joint Ecogeochemical Mapping and Monitoring in the Scale 1:1 Mill. in the West Murmansk Region and Contiguous Areas in Northern Norway and Finland. Catchment Study. Geological Survey of Finland GTK Internal Report.
Reimann, C. (Ed.), 1995. National Report, Kola Project. Catchment Study 1994. Geological Survey of Norway NGU Report, 95.131, 155 pp.
Äyräs, M. and Reimann, C. (Eds.), 1995. Ecogeochemistry Kola - Field Manual. Geological Survey of Norway NGU Report, 95.111, 30 pp. + Appendices.
Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Reimann, C. and Pavlov, V.A., 1994. Tree ring profiles from pine and birch from industrially polluted areas of the Barents region, Russia and Norway as measured by ICP-MS laser ablation. Geoanalysis 94 - An International Symposium on the Analysis of Geological and Environmental Materials (Ambleside, England, 18-22 September 1994), Abstract Volume, C39.
Niskavaara, H., Äyräs, M., Reimann, C., Finne, T.E., Pavlov, V.A. and Chekushin, V.A., 1994. Selected results from an ecogeochemical pilot-project of the tri-state area of the Barents region. Third International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (Krakow, Poland, 12-15 September 1994), Abstract Volume, 298.
Kontio, M., Kähkönen, A.-M., Niskavaara, H., Pulkkinen, E. and Äyräs, M., 1994. Environmental research programmes in Geological Survey of Finland. Regional Office for Northern Finland. 21:a Nordiska Geologiska Vintermötet (21st Nordic Winter Geological Meeting) (Luleå, Sweden, 10-13 January 1994), Abstract Volume: 101.
Äyräs M., 1994. Päästöjä ja tutkimusta yli rajojen (Pollution and research at our border area). Lapin Hippu (Lapland Nugget), GTK Pohjois-Suomen aluetsto (GTK Regional Office North Finland), 3/94: 3-6. (In Finnish.)
Finne, T.E., Reimann, C., Chekushin, V. and Äyräs, M., 1993. Selected results from an eco-geochemical pilot project on the tri-state area of the Barents region. Geowissenschaftliche Umweltforschung (Environmental Geoscience Research) (Heidelberg, Germany, 5-6 November 1993), Abstract Volume: 40-41.
Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V.A., Finne, T.E., Reimann, C., Chekushin, V.A. and Äyräs, M., 1993. Selected results from an eco-geochemical pilot project on the tri-state area of the Barents Region. First International Barents Symposium (Kirkenes, Norway, 21-24 October 1993), Abstract Volume, unnumbered pages.
Äyräs M., Väisänen, U. and Niskavaara, H., 1993. International Joint Ecogeochemical Pilot-Project. Report on the Research of the Snow, Water and Terrestrial Materials. National Report, Finland. Geological Survey of Finland GTK Internal Report, unnumbered, 16 pp.
Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I., Finne, T.E., Misund, A., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V., Volden, T. and Äyräs, M. 1993. Report on Joint Ecogeochemical Mapping and Monitoring in the Scale of 1:1 Million in the West Murmansk Region and the Contiguous Areas of Finland and Norway. Geological Survey of Norway NGU Report, 93.152, 29 pp. + Appendices.