Field definition X UTM Easting Y UTM Northing E_0i_34000_F_L In-phase channel 34000 Hz coplanar coils filtered and levelled E_0q_34000_F_L Quadrature channel 34000 Hz coplanar coils filtered and levelled E_0i_6600_F_L In-phase channel 6600 Hz coplanar coils filtered and levelled E_0q_6600_F_L Quadrature channel 6600 Hz coplanar coils filtered and levelled E_0i_880_F_L In-phase channel 880 Hz coplanar coils filtered and levelled E_0q_880_F_L Quadrature channel 8800 Hz coplanar coils filtered and levelled E_1i_7001_F_L In-phase channel 7000 Hz coaxial coils filtered and levelled E_1q_7001_F_L Quadrature channel 7000 Hz coaxial coils filtered and levelled E_1i_980_F_L In-phase channel 980 Hz coaxial coils filtered and levelled E_1q_980_F_L Quadrature channel 980 Hz coaxialr coils filtered and levelled Inst_H Height of the sensors above the surface filtered and levelled Res34k_miclev Resistivity, frequency=34000 HZ, levelled Res6k_miclev Resistivity, frequency=6600 HZ, levelled Res880_miclev Resistivity, frequency=880 HZ, levelled Res7k_miclev Resistivity, frequency=7000 HZ, levelled Res980_miclev Resistivity, frequency=980 HZ, levelled Mag_miclev Total magnetic field, levelled, IGRF removed IGRF International Geomagnetic Reference Field Alt_asl Elevation of the helicopter above sea level R_U_ppm_lev Uranim ground concentration, ppm, levelled R_Th_ppm_lev Thorium ground concentration, ppm, levelled R_K_perc_lev Potassim ground concentration, %, levelled R_TC_rcorr_60m_lev Total count, cps, levelled